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This website is under construction. Stuff is broken, stuff is missing. Please don't email me telling me something is broken. I already know it's broken. I am working on it, but I am slow and I have a job and I cannot devote all my free time to the site. I would like to, but honestly I had a deadline to meet to get the site live and I couldn't make it work 100% the way I wanted to in the time that I had. Sorry.

Welcome to my web page!

Hello, everyone. My name is Red! I'm a hobbyist tech enthusiast. I like homelab stuff, ham radio, retro computing, building my own retro computer systems chip-by-chip, programming in weird and outdated languages, retro gaming, music, and more. I sometimes update this site with projects that I work on, as well as pages about some of the stuff I'm interested in. Click the links at the top of the page to access catalogues of projects and links that I'm particularly fond of.
This page is made entirely in my free time and paid for entirely out of my own pocket. I don't accept donations at all. All I ask, is that if you like the site, give it a bookmark and check back on it sometimes. I tend to update the links and stuff on here whenever I get around to it. Everything here is hand-coded in HTML as to support compatibility with some of the older systems that I play around with, and many of the pages have low download sizes in order to facilitate transport of these pages across old dial-up and AX.25 networks.
If this site looks weird on mobile devices, don't worry. I didn't spend a lot of time ensuring total compatibility with many mobile platforms. I really only tested this on my iPhone, and it looked pretty passable with a few minor bugs. If it looks weird on a desktop platform, I'm sorry. This page was designed and optimized for 1920 pixel by 1080 pixel screens on desktop and laptop computing devices, and tested only in Firefox (The superior web browser).

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Click to play some tunes --->

Here are some interesting facts

Find this page from a professional source like a Resume or business card?

You may be in the wrong place. This is absolutely not a professional portfolio. This is where I host my projects, funnies, and other hobby goodies. If you are looking for my professional website and were redirected here, please check out the archives section for archived versions of those pages, as those sites have since been shut down due to high hosting costs.

Highlighted pages

Send me an E-Mail!

So honestly, that's really about it. Feel free to explore this site at your leisure, there's lots to find, see, and learn about! Have fun, and Happy Holidays!

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